
Sets the delay that will occur after each windowing function, such as WinActivate.

SetWinDelay Delay



Time in milliseconds. Use -1 for no delay at all and 0 for the smallest possible delay. If unset, the default delay is 100.


A short delay (sleep) is done automatically after every windowing function except WinActive and WinExist. This is done to improve the reliability of scripts because a window sometimes needs a period of "rest" after being created, activated, minimized, etc. so that it has a chance to update itself and respond to the next function that the script may attempt to send to it.

Although a delay of -1 (no delay at all) is allowed, it is recommended that at least 0 be used, to increase confidence that the script will run correctly even when the CPU is under load.

A delay of 0 internally executes a Sleep(0), which yields the remainder of the script's timeslice to any other process that may need it. If there is none, Sleep(0) will not sleep at all.

If the CPU is slow or under load, or if window animation is enabled, higher delay values may be needed.

The built-in variable A_WinDelay contains the current setting.

Every newly launched thread (such as a hotkey, custom menu item, or timed subroutine) starts off fresh with the default setting for this function. That default may be changed by using this function in the auto-execute section (top part of the script).


SetControlDelay, SetKeyDelay, SetMouseDelay, SendMode


SetWinDelay 10